Fundamentals of Home Inspection (120-hr Required course for Home Inspectors)

The learning objectives of the Fundamentals of Home Inspection course are intended to make a person minimally competent to enter the home inspection profession. As a result, the course focuses on home inspection principles, terminology, laws and regulations.

We provide you with a unique training perspective to ensure that you have the tools to assist you in completing the State required exam in order to become a licensed Home Inspector in the State of Washington. Course is taught by a Veteran Inspector (inspecting since 2006) Reis Pearson. Reis has a M.S. Degree in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from Iowa State University and completed their thesis in Experiential Education. The course is intended to be engaging through a variety of methods so retention is optimized.

  • This course will be taught over 6 consecutive weekends
  • Date(s): TBD
  • Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Where: Seattle, WA (Specific address will be provided)
  • Cost: $3,250 (minimum $750 deposit) See registration for cancellation policies
  • Minimum of 4 necessary; Maximum of 10 participants
*If minimums are not met, you will be refunded full amount. Class will be canceled 2 weeks prior if not full.
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Pieces of the Puzzle

The learning objectives of Pieces of the Puzzle are intended to look at the building as a puzzle and each piece inspected begins to create a picture of the overall condition of the building. The course focuses on the tools you can use before you arrive at the property as well as helping to focus on the most likely areas to find defects.

We provide you with a unique training perspective to ensure that you have the tools to assist you in building competency, not just rote learning. This course is taught by a Veteran Inspector (inspecting since 2006) Reis Pearson. Reis has a M.S. Degree in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from Iowa State University and completed their thesis in Experiential Education. The course is intended to be engaging through a variety of methods so retention is optimized.

  • Course is 2 hours
  • Date/Time:  TBD
  • Where: Zoom
  • Cost: $50  See registration for cancellation policies
  • This class may be eligible for State and/or Association credit
Check Out our Youtube Videos to see what makes our classroom experience unique.

So this comes with directions?

How many components of the building come with directions? Darn near every one! This course will examine manufacturer installation instructions vs. what is seen in the field and why it matters. There are several offerings of this course (divided into cover different aspects of the building).

We provide you with a unique training perspective to ensure that you have the tools to assist you in building competency, not just rote learning. This course is taught by a Veteran Inspector (inspecting since 2006) Reis Pearson. Reis has a M.S. Degree in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from Iowa State University and completed their thesis in Experiential Education. The course is intended to be engaging through a variety of methods so retention is optimized.

  • Course is 2 hours
  • Date/Time: TBD
  • Where: Zoom
  • Cost: $50 See Registration for cancellation policy
  • This course may be eligible for State and/or Association credit
Check Out our Youtube Videos to see what makes our classroom experience unique.